Prairie Organic Grain Initiative

The Prairie Organic Grain Initiative was a four-year program dedicated to achieving resiliency and stability in the prairie organic sector by focusing on increasing the quantity and quality of organic grains, and developing relationships across organic market value chains.

The Initiative is a partnership with several industry stakeholders across the value chain, including Organic Alberta, SaskOrganics, Manitoba Organic Alliance, Certified Organic Associations of British Columbia (COABC), as well as The Canadian Organic Trade Association (COTA), The Organic Agriculture Centre of Canada (OACC), and The Bauta Family Initiative on Canadian Seed Security.

By working together with farmers, researchers, government, NGOs, processors, brokers, buyers, and certification bodies, the Prairie Organic Grain Initiative is bringing together the organic community across the Prairies to achieve the common goal of resiliency in the sector.

Pivot and Grow

Pivot and Grow is an online platform for new and transitioning organic grain farmers looking to find resources, to connect with experts, find organic grain prices and build marketing relationships.

Young Agrarians

Young Agrarians is growing the next generation of ecological farmers in Alberta. Through potlucks, farm tours, workshops and mixers, we are building a supportive network for new and young farmers. Young Agrarians focuses on farmer-to-farmer relationships and learning and is now running an apprenticeship program.

The Bauta Family Initiative on Canadian Seed Security

Organic Alberta is the prairie host of The Bauta Family Initiative on Canadian Seed Security. The goal of this program is to help support and build a Canadian seed system that provides a solid foundation for food security, climate resilience, and community well-being.

Farm Resilience Mentorship Program

Farmers for Climate Solutions is launching the Farm Resilience Mentorship Program (FaRM): a mentorship program to scale adoption of on-farm climate-friendly practices across 2 million acres of farmland in Canada. Through online peer-to-peer learning, FaRM will provide free training and mentorship to 10,000 farmers and ranches on advanced nitrogen management, advanced grazing systems, and cover cropping. Organic Alberta is a local Implementing Partner, and will support Alberta Farmers interested in participating in the FaRM mentorship program.

Regenerative Alberta Living Lab

The Regenerative Alberta Living Lab is an ongoing collaboration between farmers, ranchers, and soil scientists throughout the province of Alberta.  We use on-farm and soil mapping technology to accurately assess soil health created by producer innovations. This information will allow farmers and ranchers to build resilience and productivity thereby enhancing their bottom line.

Farm Clubs

The Farm Clubs project spans from July 2023 – October 2024. The program is delivered by Organic Alberta, in collaboration with Canadian Organic Growers and supported by the Calgary Foundation. Four targeted Farm Club sessions are featured, specifically designed to engage farmers from Wheatland County, Rocky View County, Municipal District of Bighorn, Foothills County, Kainai Nation, Piikani Nation, and Tsuut’ina Nation. Utilizing a combination of in-person, virtual, and on-farm sessions, Farm Clubs aim to harness the collective wisdom of Southern Alberta farmers, fostering connections, collaborative problem-solving, and community resilience. The farmer-led approach leverages the knowledge of farmers, who take science-based practices and integrate them on-farm, balancing complex factors such as markets, weather, and regional challenges. While focusing on specific regions, the program welcomes participation from all Alberta farmers in a shared pursuit of knowledge and growth.

Peace Region Organic Success Program

Organic Alberta’s newest program, the Peace Region Organic Success Program (PROSPr) provides holistic support to organic farmers in the Peace region of Alberta. PROSPr has been made possible through a partnership with Clif Bar, who will contribute $298,000 USD to the program over its two-year duration. The Peace Region of Alberta plays a key role in organic oat production, distinguished by the superior quality and volume of oats grown in Canada, and distributed both locally and globally. PROSPr will work with regional partners, industry, and counties to build a resilient agricultural sector and provide support to continue growth in the region.

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